Like King Kong holds on to Mary Ann or whatever her name is. She had it made anyway, personally i would love to have a 3 ton gorilla as a personal bodyguard on skull island, even if the gorilla wants to mate with me, hey, you gotta be alive to mate right?
Anyway, like i said, life has a death grip on me. it doesn't let me go unless it feels like it, and even so it throws a few nasty things my way along with my freedom, making my life as miserable as it is. i mean think about it. one minute you were happily accepting the fact that you are on vacation after a long semester at college, next thing you know you are at home, your families maid ran away while the rest of your family went to Madrid, your computer's dvd reader acts up and to top that up you develop a flu. what kind of fucked up vacation is that? i'll tell you what kind it is, it is a vacation that you'll have to clean the house, feed the dogs, feed the cats, water the plants, wash the dishes, wash the clothes, etc, and on top of that i have to take care of poor grandma who decided to stay behind to "take care" of me... i know she means well, but truth be told i like being alone, with no other human beings in close proximity. i've no idea if this is normal at my age, but i think it's not. when everyone around me wants to go somewhere i have this feeling like i want to stay at home instead. it's not that i'm anti social, i have plenty of friends,
not necessarily good ones, but friends none the less,
But somewhere in my course of life, i have developed a small kindling of loathing, a distant hatred for homosapiens. it seems that whatever we do, whatever we say now, it's actually irrelevant, it's not important at all. and all the while we keep destroying a bit of the earth one tiny piece of trash at a time. i'm guessing all this is because i have this tendency to be very environmentally friendly. In fact i consider myself to be an environmental extremist in my own way. but the main issue here is i have this tnedancy to dislike human contact at times, yet at others, i feel... well, lonely. yeah i know, this is one hell of a fucked up life i'm leading. in fact i'm not sure if i'm even alive anymore.
most of the time i'm just living the same old life every single day. sure i learn new things everyday in college, and when i met my friends i also have a lot of fun with them, but i feel that my life is too... boring. i feel like i need some huge changes, something exciting happening for instance, but in reality i knew the possibilities of that happening are very slim. so i dont really have high hopes for those, but i still keep an eye out for those.
Anyway, like i said, life has a death grip on me. it doesn't let me go unless it feels like it, and even so it throws a few nasty things my way along with my freedom, making my life as miserable as it is. i mean think about it. one minute you were happily accepting the fact that you are on vacation after a long semester at college, next thing you know you are at home, your families maid ran away while the rest of your family went to Madrid, your computer's dvd reader acts up and to top that up you develop a flu. what kind of fucked up vacation is that? i'll tell you what kind it is, it is a vacation that you'll have to clean the house, feed the dogs, feed the cats, water the plants, wash the dishes, wash the clothes, etc, and on top of that i have to take care of poor grandma who decided to stay behind to "take care" of me... i know she means well, but truth be told i like being alone, with no other human beings in close proximity. i've no idea if this is normal at my age, but i think it's not. when everyone around me wants to go somewhere i have this feeling like i want to stay at home instead. it's not that i'm anti social, i have plenty of friends,
But somewhere in my course of life, i have developed a small kindling of loathing, a distant hatred for homosapiens. it seems that whatever we do, whatever we say now, it's actually irrelevant, it's not important at all. and all the while we keep destroying a bit of the earth one tiny piece of trash at a time. i'm guessing all this is because i have this tendency to be very environmentally friendly. In fact i consider myself to be an environmental extremist in my own way. but the main issue here is i have this tnedancy to dislike human contact at times, yet at others, i feel... well, lonely. yeah i know, this is one hell of a fucked up life i'm leading. in fact i'm not sure if i'm even alive anymore.
So, in conclusion, i live a fucked up life in a fucked up world, as do a lot of people, but then again, if the world didn't suck, we would all be floating. so i accept this fact, and try to make the most out of it. that's life, deal with it.