Speaking of life, what exactly is it?(i know some of you may say that this blog posting is very like one i used to write, but i've recently recieved new insights towards it). Life... We all lament it. We all hate it(most of the time). We all wonder if it leads us towards the life we want... But has anybody really REALLY consider what life is? Have you? Lots of you undoubtatly think that life is predestined by some unknown glod with some magical pen on some magical paper, tasking each creature to live a pre-destined life. But is it really? If it is then what is the entire purpose of living? We might as well be robots which reproduce by mating.
So what is life then? Well lets consider the case. Life began when the heart of a creature begins beating. Life begins when they creatures brain(or likewise instrument) sends it's first impulse to the creature. Life begins with the creatures first action. Yes, the first action taken by the creature in question is the first step towards a journey that is twisted and filled with obstacles that Arnold Schwarzenegger will flinch at. And as with all actions taken, it tends to have consequences. And then as any creature will logically do, it will react to the consequence by performing another action, thus sparking a chain reaction. For instance, take the case of a baby emerging from the womb of a pregnant lady. When the baby opens it's eyes(action) it sees the world for the first time(consequence), this image is sent back to the brain(action), which determines that the world it has been borne in is a scary hell(consequence), thus it proceeds to cry(action), and resulting in the doctor pronouncing it as healthy(consequence) and so on... Thus i conclude that life, in essence, is the action taken by a creature, followed by it's consequence, followed by another action, and so on and so forth.
So no. Life is not pre-destined. Life was never written down beforehand, only after. Life is determined by one creature and only one creature. The creature involved itself. So when you are in one hell of a shitty situation, don't think that life is getting you down. It is the result of you making an error in your judgement and thus arriving at the current predicament. And at which point there is no point in asking glod to help you either as even is she/he existed, she/he is probably too busy frying people with thunderbolts to listen to you rant and help you out of it. So don't look up in desperation. Look forward with renewed vigor and confidence and take the best way out. the will be painful consequences, but the action you take will cause the future to have brighter consequences. The future is written by yourself and yourself alone. Don't lose hope. Never lose hope.
Ok, this hobo is finished. I'm going to find another one. Have fun looking forward people, this way it'll be easier for me to sneak up behind you.