Throughout my study of homosapiens, i have concluded one thing. Nature made homosapiens smart, but it also made them weak. In fact our smartness also contributes to part of that weakness, because with smartness comes emotion, with emotion comes sadness, regret and fear. Thus, we homosapiens decided that the best way to get over their general weakness, they have decided to live according to the theory that if the weak get together they become strong, hence they began living together, forming societies. This has proven to be effective to a small degree as less and less homosapiens are claimed by the wild... In fact they have begun to fight back. Packs of homosapiens began to hunt the mighty mammoths in the artic

The Great Whales of the Pacific

and even according to photographic proof, dinosaurs!...

well, as i was saying, homosapiens aren't entirely protected by their society. The thing with society is, just like legends and myths, a construct of homosapiens themselves. When i say that it is merely a construct of homosapiens, i dont mean they dont exist, but that they do not possess a concrete form, that they exist merely as ideas that allow homosapiens to live in comfort. And since society is an idea that a lot of homosapiens share, there will always be conflicts of interest between homosapiens. And as with all living things, with conflict of interest there will always be conflict of words or even conflicts of arms. To prevent these conflicts to get out of hand, leaders of homosapiens have formed a new bunch of ideas called laws. These laws prevent the conflicts from happening, causing bodily damage upon even the smallest element of society. But to form these laws, the leaders have to provide an idea that causes all parties in the society to recieve fair treatment (this is hard i assure you as life is very unfair [which i'll tell you about in one of my later inserts], plus the fact that most leaders of society have the IQ of a box of hair).

With no where to turn to, they consult the social norm(another idea, you can see where my theories are all based on). For those of you who have trouble understanding, the social norm is the accepted level of behaviour expected of an individual in a society, in other words, it defines what is considered normal in society. And as usual, when it comes to ideas that cannot be calculated, there are bound to be some conflicts in what is considered "normal behaviour". However in this case, there are no laws that can protect an individual from the conflicts based on the social norm, this is because the laws are determined by the social norm itself, hence in this case homosapiens had a huge contest of sorts, and as usual, majority wins. Thus the social norm, and ultimately the laws were predetermined by the majority. And with all majorities, there are minorities. These minorities become social outcasts. They are seperated from the society they come from either on their own will or by force. These outcasts were then left to die in the wild. These cases were what happened when the first societies were formed, those times homosapiens didn't care much for them cause they were deemed excess baggage(no teamwork you see, nobody wanted to be seem with those who were outcasted by society for fear that they will soon follow suit).
Nowadays, these social outcasts no longer die from the wild, well at least not that often, cause as homosapiens have killed off most wildlife in their bid to enhance themselves. So, with nothing to eat them and with new laws conjured by the "symphaty" of others, social outcasts are allowed to live within the society as long as they dont cause too much of a stir. But even when living within society, they are scorned as much as, probably more than lepers.Some of these social outcast, desperate to fit in to the crowd, changes their lifestyle and attitude towards life, gaining a life but ultimately losing their individuality. But there are those outcasts who when given a chance to change themselves to fit in, laughs at the face of "chance" and insists on living on their own principles. It is these people, unwilling to change their viewpoints to suit the society they live in, knowing that they'll never progress in their society and they are doomed to live a life of proverty, failure and solitude, they pondor the choices presented to them. Except for the lucky ones who really have a good connection and finds a knowing family, most of them will reach these two decisions a life of crime or no life at all. At this point the numbers are mostly split in half. Some become criminals of society, taking from it what they think they deserve, but ultimately ending up in a 4 by 4 or at the electric chair. Others find their salvation from the nooses of ropes, bottom of rivers, with knifes through their bodies or at the bottom of skyscrapers (after they jump off it of course). But one thing to note of all these cases, the victims mostly commit suicide because they are outcasts, because they are not loved...
The thing with homosapiens are they need a lot of love and care, not just at the infant stage, but throughout their entire life. When homosapiens are denied that little bit of feeling called love, they become desperate and think very strangely indeed. So if you know anybody, be it friends, family, neighbours, lecturers, relatives, acquaintances, pets, fans, heck, even enemies, who look a bit down, go over, give them a smile, and ask them what's wrong. You might not get much of a response cause homosapiens are shy creatures, but the main thing is they feel that you do care for them and worry for their well-being. This will surely brighten up their day, and perhaps, just perhaps, help save a life... this is good, cause there'll be one more homosapien for me to eat. Well, end of story. Sleep tight wherever you are, cause you just might become my next meal...
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