Saturday, December 29, 2007

ah... kena tag... again!!! oh well, here goes:
1. What were you doing last midnight?
- trying to get drunk

2. What color of shirt are you wearing right now?
- red

4. Do you have a thing for anyone on your Top 8?
- er... rephrase?

5.How many people in your Friendster do you know in real life?
- not too sure, most of them i guess

6. What are your nicknames?
- ks king, zombie, and some others...

5. Do you have a pet?
- 2 dogs, 2 cats, a bunch of fish... some cockroaches...

8. What are your parents' middle names?
- soo and nai

9. Most recent movie watched?
- hmm... tough one... dont remember.

10. Name 3 things that you have ON you at all times.
- wallet
- depressing thoughs
- handphone

11. Give or receive a foot massage?
- gave

12. Teacher you had the hots for.
- heh heh, private question la brather

13. How much cash do you have right now?
- about 20 bucks, not counting shillings

14. 4th person in your received calls list?
- Mom

15. What's your phone ring tone?
- fall out boy-carpal tunnel of love

17. What were you doing at midnight two nights ago?
- onlining

18. How many people on your friends list are ex's?
- 1

19. What is your favorite part of the chicken?
- all the same to me

20. What's your favorite city?
- Subang

21. Whats your favorite color?
- Blue

22. I can't wait to...?
- take over the world! MUAHAHAHAHA

23. When was the last time you saw your mom?
- 1 minute ago

24. What's the best insult you've ever heard or said?
- said:" i mean, look at you... not that there's much to look at, but still..."

27. How long have you been at your current job?
- 18 years

28. Is Tom on your friends list?
- yea, got a few peeping toms in my list

29. What's the last thing you said out loud?
- SHUT THE F*** UP!!!!

31. What is the last thing/person you spent over $100 on?
- if i'm not mistaken i think it was my shoes

32. Who's your favorite villain?
- me

33. Whats the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone?
- a belt from my sis

34. I really wish I drove a...?
- hydrogen powered car

35. What website(s) do you visit the most during the day?
- urbandead, deadawaken, minewars, funny-games, gamespot, gmail, facebook, blogger, hotmail, friendster...

36. Last text message in your phone?
- I guess so. But i only go to tat app when someone do something to me

37. Do you have an air freshener in your car?
- zilch

38. Do you have plants in your room?
- nada

39. If you could drink anything right this second, what would it be?
- vodka martini

40. Last piece of e-mail opened?
- something about dim sum

41. Does anything hurt on your body right now?
- my heart

42. What city was your last taxi cab ride in?
- singapore

43. Last alcoholic drink?
- cherry vodka

44. If someone you hated died, would you laugh and spit on their grave?
- might

45. Do you own a picture phone?
- yea

46. What's your bf/gf, or most recent ex birthday?
- october 29th

47. What's your favorite Starbucks drink?
- chocolate will do

48. Do you exercise as much as you should?
- Nope

49. Did you do the deed on prom night?
- unfortunately no

50. Would you give your bf/gf a second chance if they cheated on you?
- depends

51. Where were you last year for Christmas?
- at home, thinking sad thoughts

52. If I don't like you?
- then you can eat my shorts

53. Recent time you were really upset?
- now?

I tag.......... whoever reads this!

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